On 17 July 1942, elements of Colonel General von Richthofen’s Luftflotte 4 began a massive bombing effort against the defenders of the Russian city of Stalingrad. The raining down of high explosive and incendiary bombs by the Germans would, over the next few months, leave the entire city little more than a pile of charred rubble. While the Luftwaffe bombed, the Wehrmacht drove east. By the end of July, the German Sixth Army was only a dozen kilometers from Stalingrad, and the Fourth Panzer Army, farther to the south, had also wheeled northwards and begun to battle its way towards the outskirts of the city. Finally, during the last days of August, German ground forces battered their way into Stalingrad’s suburbs. The first Soviet ground unit to see action defending the city proper was, ironically, the all-women 1077th Anti-Aircraft Regiment. This volunteer unit resisted the advancing 16th Panzer Division’s advance tenaciously, ultimately losing all thirty-seven of the regiment's Anti-Aircraft batteries in the fighting. By early September the Germans had launched the real struggle for the city; shelling and shooting their way forward one meter at a time. Only now would the brutal house-to-house fighting for which the battle would ultimately earn its “meat-grinder” reputation finally begin.Statistics by themselves cannot begin to tell the story of this epic conflict. During the height of the battle for Stalin’s city on the Volga, an individual Russian infantry replacement could typically expect to survive an average of twenty-four hours, while a newly-arrived Soviet infantry officer might — if he were lucky — last for as long as three days before he was killed or wounded. When the butchery had finally run its course, the casualties for both sides would be appalling. Over two million Russian and Axis troops would be killed, captured, or wounded in the Stalingrad battle area between mid-July 1942 and February 1943. The battle finally (mercifully) ended on 31 January, when Field Marshal Friedrich von Paulus, the commander of the surrounded and starving German Sixth Army, at last formally capitulated to the besieging Russians. A few German pockets fought on, but by 2 February, the city was completely in Soviet hands. Only ninety-one thousand men, of the 250,000 Axis troops that had fought their way into the city in September, survived to become Soviet prisoners; the rest were dead in the rubble of Stalingrad. Other battles would follow on the Eastern Front, but nothing would again match the ferocity and human cost of Stalingrad.
TURNING POINT: STALINGRAD (2nd Edition) is an area-impulse simulation, based on Courtney Allen’s highly successful STORM OVER ARNHEM Game System. The decisive Soviet victory at Stalingrad made it the World War II battle that, in the eyes of many military historians, represented the turning point in the Russo-German War. In TURNING POINT, one player commands the German forces while the other controls the Soviets. The game is played in weekly installments of seven game turns. Each game turn represents one twenty-four hour day and is, in turn, composed of a (theoretically) indefinite number of day or night “mini-turns” called impulses. A typical game turn begins with both players checking the Game Turn Record Track for arriving reinforcements. Once this Reinforcement Phase is completed, normal play begins. Players alternate moves and or attacks with a “fresh” unit or units from any one area during a given impulse. Units that move or attack suffer some form of Disruption (level one through four) at the end of their action. In addition, a clear supply path is required to restore Spent or Disrupted units. Players may not act twice in a row unless the opposing player opts for no action by declaring “pass” at the beginning of his impulse turn. At the start of each impulse, the German player rolls a die and applies the appropriate Die Roll Modifier (DRM) to see if the game turn continues with another day or night impulse or alternatively whether it changes (Day to Night/Night to Dawn).
Design Characteristics:
- Time Scale: 24 hours per game turn (with an indefinite number of player “impulses” per game turn)
- Map Scale: Area movement; each inch = approximately 500 meters (with Area ID numbers and Terrain Effects Modifiers for each of the Game Map’s seventy-four Areas)
- Unit Size: platoon/company (armor, mechanized, and panzergrenadier); company/battalion/regiment (infantry, guards infantry, motorized infantry, machine gun, engineers, etc); division/army ( off-board artillery assets)
- Unit Types: various types of armored units, infantry, motorized infantry, anti-tank, tank destroyer, pioneer (engineer infantry), engineer (infantry), artillery, panzergrenadier, machine gun (anti-tank), anti-aircraft, anti-aircraft (FLAK), armored recon, front artillery group, anti-tank rifle, Luftwaffe, and information markers
- Number of Players: two
- Complexity: medium
- Solitaire Suitability: above average
- Average Playing Time: 2-30 + hours (depending on scenario)
Game Components:
- Two 16” x 22” area movement, hard-backed Map Boards (with Turn Record Track and Day/Night Impulse Track incorporated)
- 264 ⅝” back-printed cardboard Counters
- 130 ½” back-printed cardboard Counters
- One 8” x 11” Rules Booklet (with Area Exit/Entrance Chart, Interdiction Points Table, Attack MF Costs, “DV” and “OV” Tables, Mistaken Attack Table, MF Costs, Crossing Table, Disruption penalties Chart, Retreat Priority, Rubble Creation, Rubble Entrance DRM, Rubble “DV” Table, and Casualty Points Table incorporated)
- One 8” x 11” back-printed German Setup Card (with various “quick reference” tables and charts incorporated)
- One 8” x 11” back-printed Russian Setup Card (with various “quick reference” tables and charts incorporated)
- four six-sided Dice (two white and two red)
- One 5½” x 7” Customer Response Card
- One 8½” x 11½” x 2” Bookcase style Game Box
Recommended Reading
See my blog post Book Reviews of these titles; both of which are strongly recommended for those readers interested in further historical background.THE WEST POINT ATLAS OF AMERICAN WARS (Complete 2-Volume Set)
What made this game work was the sequencing issues posed to both players. Deciding on the order of attacks--as well as the timelines that units would recover from spent status--was a major element of the design. The basic game, covering the first three weeks of the battle, was the best part of the game; the expansion kit that extended the battle was far less interesting.
In my view, while MMP's STORM OVER STALINGRAD is a far better game as far as a tournament title, this work is far more realistic. Players definitely are put in the psychological mindsets of their historical counterparts. For the German, it's always "if I can put together one MORE push, I've got this game in the bag." For the Soviets, it's a matter of hanging on by one's fingernails.
Yes, I was a playtester for the game, but I was also involved in other Stalingrad simulations (e.g., L2's STREETS OF STALINGRAD, 3rd Edition) yet this remains my favorite of them all.
Can anyone explain rule 8.21 Turning Point Stalingrad about armor entering or leaving enemy occupied areas? It seems contrdictory! The first sentence says what you can't do and the second sentence says you can! Help, thanks.
Turning Point Stalingrad rule 8.21 seems contradictory. Can anyone explain. My Email is stevebeckmeier@gmail.com. Thanks
Greetings Stephen:
I can't personally help you with your rules question, as I gave away my own copy of the game years ago. However, I think that you should be able to get precisely the type of help that you're looking for if you go to the forum section at the "consimworld.com" website, and then visit the TURNING POINT: STALINGRAD game folder, which will listed in the "East Front" game folder.
Good Luck and Best Regards, Joe
Armor is denied leaving and entering enemy occupied areas only when moving directly to another enemy occupied area and there are enemy Armor/AT/AA present. Armor may ignore any enemy unit if it leaves to an empty area and can keep moving until it enters enemy-occupied area. Then it must stop and attack any enemy units encountered.