Late on the night of 5 June 1944, thousands of Allied paratroops began to parachute into occupied France. Their mission was to seal the approaches to the nearby Normandy beaches and to secure safe landing zones for the glider-borne infantry that was scheduled to come in behind them. Within a few hours, the follow-up glider infantry — along with heavy equipment and artillery — began their landings to reinforce the paratroopers who were already on the ground. Because of unexpected cloud cover over the drop zones, however, these airborne units were widely scattered and disorganized during the first hours after the drop. At the same time the gliders were plowing into French fields, waves of Allied planes roared over the Cotentin Peninsula. It was now 0300 on 6 June, D-Day, and flights of Allied bombers had begun to rain thousands of tons of bombs down on the German bunkers and obstacles that bristled along the beaches of the Normandy Peninsula. The initial phases of the most complex military operation in history were finally under way. At 0500 hours, the vast naval armada that had escorted the 150,000 American, British, Canadian, French, and Polish troops who would shortly be landing in occupied France began to shell the German defenses directly behind the beach landing zones. Operation “Overlord,” the amphibious invasion of Hitler’s “Fortress Europe” was about to begin.In the coastal waters off the 7,000 yard wide American landing sector, code-named “Omaha Beach,” the first of many assault teams prepared to land in occupied France. Naval bombardment had commenced almost as soon as the Allied air strikes had stopped. At 0630 hours, 96 specially-equipped amphibious Sherman tanks, the Special Engineer Task Force, and eight companies of assault infantry — four each from the 1st and 29th Infantry Divisions — began their invasion run into the target beach. The Allied plan called for 34,000 men to land in the Omaha Beach sector in the first wave of landings. The second wave was scheduled to begin after 1200 hours and was expected to put another 25,000 men ashore by nightfall. Instead, the landings went wrong almost from the very beginning because of a five mile-per-hour tidal current; virtually every assault group drifted well east of their original objective. American units became hopelessly intermingled; finally small ad-hoc teams of thirty to forty soldiers, their backs to the Channel, began to clamber over the seawall and to attack the German positions in the beach draws and on the overlooking bluffs. Gradually, despite heavy German resistance and even heavier American casualties, the GIs pushed inland and away from the deadly expanse of open sand and water that was the beachhead. By the end of this first day of the invasion, Omaha Beach had earned a morbid but accurate new name from the men who had survived the landing: “Bloody Omaha.” In this one beach sector, over five thousand men had been killed, wounded, or gone missing during just the first fourteen hours of D-Day. Nonetheless, despite terrible casualties among the first wave, the beachhead had been held and even expanded. General Eisenhower’s Great Crusade to liberate Western Europe from Nazi occupation had finally begun.

If THE RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN (1976) was John Edwards’ inspired remake of STALINGRAD, then it is pretty obvious that FORTRESS EUROPA was his design response to Avalon Hill’s D-DAY (1961). However, even if one acknowledges that D-DAY undoubtedly served as the starting point for Edwards’ own distinctive treatment of Operation Overlord and the subsequent Battle for France; this doesn’t change the fact that the two games — except for their overall scale — are really quite different. And even though Avalon Hill revisited the “design well” a number of times in an effort to update and revive its aging invasion game, the reality is that D-DAY was long overdo for a major face-lift or, even better, a complete makeover. Time had simply passed it by, and what had been an innovative game design in the 1960s, had become tired and obsolete by the 1970s. That being said, FORTRESS EUROPA fills the bill as a replacement for D-DAY very well, indeed. It, like its predecessor may take a long time to play, but in every other way, Edwards’ version — particularly after the additional development work of Moon and Hamblen — is a dramatic improvement over the original. In view of this, it should not be surprising that there is much to like about FORTRESS EUROPA. However, there are also a few aspects of this design that are a little disappointing. For this reason, I will continue this short critique of TAHGC’s version of FORTRESS EUROPA with a discussion of the design elements that I find a little off-putting and then move on to the many positive qualities of the game.On the “minus” side of the game design ledger, there are three elements that I personally dislike about FORTRESS EUROPA. First, there is the map board: it is functional, unambiguous, and really, really bland. I don’t know why, but Avalon Hill seems to have had — with very few exceptions — a penchant for printing boring, unattractive game maps, and this map is no exception. Second, there is the stylized calligraphy used on all of the German unit counters. I may be wrong, but I think that I detect the overzealous hand of Alan R. Moon in this bit of graphics excess. Granted, this is a very small nit, but it is one that I find irksome. Mainly, I resent this pointless little affectation because I think that it falls into the realm of adding “chrome” purely for “chrome’s” sake. Last and probably most important: it would have been VERY helpful if the game designers had included a separate, detailed set-up chart for the Battle Of The Bulge and On To Berlin Scenarios. A single set-up sheet — a la SPI’s BREAKOUT & PURSUIT — would have done the job very nicely, particularly since both scenarios begin on the same game turn and share the same unit starting positions. As things currently stand, it almost takes longer to set up the BATTLE OF THE BULGE Scenario than it actually takes to play it!
The “positive” design qualities of FORTRESS EUROPA, happily, are both more numerous and more significant. For starters, the initial invasion portion of the game is very nicely handled; the Germans, even in the Historical Game, have enough hidden-deployment units to make the Allied player’s choice of an invasion site, in each and every game, a nerve-racking test for both players. Where are those hidden panzer divisions actually going to show up, once the Allies start to wade ashore? In this game, a shrewd guess on the part of the Allied player can put the Germans under heavy pressure from the very first turn; a good bluff on the part of the German player, on the other hand, can be worth as much as an extra panzer corps! Second, the game’s basic mechanics, although not all that innovative, are virtually glitch-free. There is nothing in the basic game design that is either particularly confusing or cumbersome. The turn phases are logical and play flows surprisingly smoothly despite the numerous player operations required during each turn. Third, the dual impulse movement and combat system works particularly well for this type of mobile campaign; granted, the Allies will be doing most of the attacking, but Eisenhower must, nonetheless, always be alert to the possibility of a sudden German counterattack. An unexpected series of German victories might just manage to break through his front and disrupt the entire Allied timetable. Fourth, the importance of weather and its impact on Allied naval operations, and on both sides’ air operations, is represented realistically, but simply. Finally, the air rules are a vast improvement over most games that model World War II campaigns at the operational (brigade/division) level. The mix of different possible air missions and the critical balance that must be maintained between offensive and defensive operations makes for an interesting challenge for both players whenever clear weather permits aircraft to fly.
Clearly, FORTRESS EUROPA is not a ground-breaking new game design. In fact, most of the game’s basic mechanics will be quite familiar to experienced players. That is not necessarily a bad thing; in fact, more often than not, it can be a plus when it comes to titles designed to be played on this scale. Is it the best simulation that I have ever seen of the D-Day Invasion and the subsequent Battle for France? Hardly; but having said that, I should also add that — in my opinion at least — it is still an exciting, fast-paced game, and a reasonably good simulation of the bitter fighting that characterized the Allied pursuit of the Wehrmacht across France and into Germany in 1944-45. Most important of all, while it is an interesting challenge for experienced players, its clean game system and clearly-written rules make it accessible — albeit with a little study — to both casual and novice gamers, alike.
Design Characteristics:
- Time Scale: 1 week per game turn (4 turns per month)
- Map Scale: 14 miles per hex (estimated)
- Unit Size: battalion/regiment/brigade/division
- Unit Types: infantry, mountain, paratrooper, glider, ranger, commando, artillery, FLAK, security, training, HQ troops, Volksturm, coastal defense, HQ, armor/panzer, mechanized infantry/panzer grenadier, cavalry, assault gun, mechanized engineer, mulberries (temporary ports), air units, naval (bombardment) units, and information counters
- Number of Players: two
- Complexity: average
- Solitaire Suitability: below average/average (depending on scenario)
- Average Playing Time: 2½-10 + hours (depending on scenario being played)
Game Components:
- One (three section) 22” x 24” hexagonal grid Map Board (with Combat Results Table, River Crossing Chart, and Invasion Zone Sea Lift Charts incorporated)
- 520 ½” back-printed cardboard Counters
- One 8” x 11” Rules Booklet (with Scenario Instructions, Terrain Effects Chart, and Movement Allowance Chart incorporated)
- One 8” x 11” combined Time Record Chart and Replacement Track
- Two 8” x 11” German OB/Reinforcement Charts
- Two 8” x 11” Allied OB/Reinforcement Charts
- One 8” x 11” combined Aircraft Mission Chart, German TAC Availability Chart, and joint German/American/British (Ground Units) Replacement Chart
- One six-sided Die
- One 5½” x 8½” Avalon Hill Game Catalog
- One 5½” x 8½” Avalon Hill Parts List and Order Form
- One 5½” x 7” Customer Response Card
- One 11½” x 8½” x 2” bookcase style cardboard Game Box
Recommended Reading
See my blog post Book Reviews of these titles; all of which are strongly recommended for those readers interested in further historical background.THE WEST POINT ATLAS OF AMERICAN WARS (Complete 2-Volume Set)
One can only hope that L2 brings back this game with much improved graphics as it did with RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN. There's other games out there now--MMP's A MIGHTY ENDEAVOR and Hexasim's LIBERTY ROADS--that cover this same subject, but FORTRESS EUROPA remains a strong "player" in that crowd and as not been superseded.
Another wonderful review of an old favorite, Joe.
Found your blog. Playing the game for the first time this weekend. Where is the weather chart? I don't see it in the rules or printed on any card.
Greetings Anon:
Since the charts displayed with this post are a little hard to make out, I recommend that you go to Boardgamegeek.com and select "FORTRESS EUROPA" in the search box at the top of the page. Once the game specific page comes up, you can then scroll down to the section which displays all of the game's components (rules, counters, mapboard, charts, etc.). The nice thing about this particular feature is that you can then magnify any of the charts that are of interest to make them more ledgible.
Thanks for visiting and Good Luck,
I just discovered your blog from Spain, Congratulations... maybe we can play at Afrika Korps someday...
Congratulations for your work.!!
Greetings Carlos:
Thank you for visiting; I appreciate your interest.
Regarding AFRIKA KORPS matches: I suggest that you contact Jeff Lange -- who currently runs the AFRIKA KORPS PBeM Ladder -- about joining the game's ongoing Ladder. Individual games are organized in rounds (much like tournaments)and I have personally been participating in the Ladder for more than a year.
If you would like to know more about this PBeM competition, you can email Jeff at jeff.lange@mac.com.
Thanks again for visiting and
Best Regards, Joe