In the chaotic days that immediately followed the Southern attack on Fort Sumter, in April 1861, clashes between the breakaway South and the Unionist North flared up repeatedly, particularly in the border-states; however, these actions were typically limited to relatively small-scale skirmishes between hastily-raised bands of opposing militias. And although war had come in the spring, there had not been a single major battle between Confederate and Federal troops in the four months that followed the surrender of the Union garrison in Charleston Harbor.Finally, in mid-July, the 35,000 Union troops bivouacked around Washington, D.C., stirred to action and began to clumsily wend their way south. The Union commander, Brigadier General Irvin McDowell, although worried about the battle-worthiness of his freshly-minted army, had at last reluctantly succumbed to political pressure and ordered his army to march against the Confederate Capital in Richmond, Virginia. Barring McDowell’s path were 20,000 Confederates under General P. T. Beauregard. Unbeknownst to the Union commander, however, an additional 12,000 rebel soldiers from the Shenandoah Valley, under J. E. Johnston, were already rushing by train to Beauregard’s aid. By the time the slowly advancing Union troops at last encountered the first Confederate pickets on the 18th, Confederate reinforcements were rapidly nearing Manassas Junction. McDowell allowed three days to pass while he completed his army’s concentration. And although he could have attacked the still outnumbered Beauregard on the 20th, the Union commander decided to wait another full day.
The two armies — composed mainly of green recruits and 90-day enlistees — finally crashed into each other near Centerville, Virginia on the morning of 21 July, 1861. The Union opened with a surprisingly well-conceived attack against the Confederate left, and for a time, the Rebels were forced to give ground. Unfortunately for McDowell, Johnston’s troops were beginning to arrive just in time to shore up the wavering Confederate line. McDowell's and Beauregard's armies were now almost evenly-matched, but the initiative gradually shifted to Beauregard as Johnston’s fresh troops continued to enter the fight against the tiring Yankees. The seesaw battle continued through most of the day, but by late afternoon, both the battlefield and the victory belonged to the Confederates. Fortunately for the North, the Rebels were too spent to pursue the retiring Yankees.
From McDowell's standpoint, the aftermath of the bloody Union defeat was bad enough. The shock of the unexpected Federal loss quickly led to a breakdown in the discipline of many of the green Union regiments. As General McDowell's beaten and exhausted army began to retrace its route back towards the safety of Washington, command and control largely disintegrated, and for many of his withdrawing units, the Union retreat quickly turned into a rout. And the confident army that had marched out of the capital only a few days before, now fled back towards the same city as little more than a disordered mob.
The summer battle at Centerville was the first real preview, for both sides of the months-old conflict, of the true cost of the long war that lay before them. Fourteen hundred and ninety-two Union troops were killed and 1,600 taken prisoner, while the victorious Confederates’ losses numbered 1,752. “Manassas” — also known as the “First Battle of Bull Run” — would produce rejoicing in the South, and shocked disbelief in the North; a Union officer named William T. Sherman would distinguish himself on the Manassas battlefield, and an obscure Confederate officer would, following this battle, ever after be known as Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. Tragically for both sides, a political argument between countrymen had become a war between states. And although none of the men from either army who fought at Manassas on 21 July, 1861, could have known it at the time, the fight at Centerville had only been the first of many major battles in what would ultimately become the costliest war in American history.
The victory conditions in WBTS will vary from scenario to scenario, but typically will be awarded on the basis of geographical objectives captured or held, enemy casualties, and enemy forces besieged at the end of a scenario. Victory conditions in the Campaign Scenario are a little different: players, of course, will typically play for a conventional Historical Victory, but they may also attempt to win a Personal Victory by making a single die roll on the “Political Events Matrix.” The threat posed by the “Political Events Matrix” will tend to restrain the actions of both players (postponing draft calls, for example) as each tries to prevent the other from gaining enough victory points to make such an appeal worthwhile.
WAR BETWEEN THE STATES offers six Yearly Scenarios as well as a Campaign Scenario. The six Yearly Scenarios use only a portion of the game’s counters, either one or two map sections, and each give a snapshot of the Civil War in either the East or the West in 1862, 1863, or 1864. These shorter games are also an excellent way for players to master the WBTS Game System before moving on to the two hundred turn Campaign Scenario. The Campaign Scenario, as might be expected, begins in July 1861 (First Battle of Manassas), and covers the entire war — assuming the game continues all the way to the bitter end — through April, 1865. In addition, players may opt to experiment with a number of different optional rules. These include special rules for, among other things: a fighting Retreat after Combat Option for surrounded units, Leader Effect on Combat, (automatic) Confederate Initiative Pick, Lee Stays East (no big deal for the Confederates), Grant Stays West (a big deal for the Union), Entrenchments, Partisans, and a Special Initiative Restriction on leaders outside of their army’s regular “chain of command.”
I had forgotten what a good game WAR BETWEEN THE STATES (WBTS) actually is until I pulled my long-neglected copy off the shelf and began to write up this profile. In fact, even acknowledging its several flaws (unhistorical dearth of leaders and headquarters during the first two years of the war, for example) I still consider this title to be the best strategic-level Civil War game I have ever played. As monster titles go, WBTS is also probably one of the most playable “big” games ever published. The game system is intuitively logical, reasonably easy-to-learn and once learned, is surprisingly fast-moving considering the game’s scale. Command and control, initiative, and leadership are both handled nicely, and the army and corps organization charts are a real plus for players (like me) who are interested in the strategic challenges of planning, supporting, and conducting a major military campaign. Even the naval and river flotilla rules are not that difficult to understand and master.The graphics (hat tip to Redmond A. Simonsen) are attractive to the eye and unambiguous, and the various game tracks, tables, and charts are all about as clear and useable as one could reasonably expect. One thing that really sets WBTS apart from most other strategic-level Civil War games is the opportunity (or necessity) that it creates for both the Union and the Confederate players to choose and then produce the types of forces that they actually want. And even this process is not all that unfamiliar: for those players who have played either WAR IN THE EAST (2nd. Ed.) or WAR IN THE WEST, there will be much that is instantly recognizable about the “production” subroutine used in WBTS.
Finally, it goes without saying that WAR BETWEEN THE STATES, in spite of its many virtues, is not a simple game. However, unlike most other games its size, WBTS does not require weeks to familiarize oneself with the rules and game system; often, at least for experienced players, this can be accomplished in a single sitting. For this reason, while I strongly recommend the game for experienced players, WAR BETWEEN THE STATES is one of the very few monster games that, I sincerely believe, even a casual or comparatively inexperienced player can learn to play and enjoy.
Design Characteristics:
- Time Scale: 1 week per turn (1 strategic Phase at the beginning of every four game turns)
- Map Scale: 12.25 miles per hex (estimated)
- Unit Size: brigade, division, flotilla
- Unit Types: military department, headquarters, leader, infantry, cavalry, militia, garrison, partisan, siege train, rail repair, supply depot, supply train, fort, fortress, naval base, naval flotilla, river flotilla, naval transport flotilla, river transport flotilla, ironclads, and information markers
- Number of Players: two or more (teams highly recommended)
- Complexity: above average
- Solitaire Suitability: average (if pushing around 1,000+ unit counters doesn’t bother you)
- Average Playing Time: 10+ hours (quadruple the playing time for the Campaign Game)
Game Components:
- Three 22” x 34” hexagonal grid Map Sheets (with Terrain Effects Chart and Movement Cost for “Boats” Chart incorporated)
- 1,200 back-printed cardboard Counters
- One 8½” x 11” WAR BETWEEN THE STATES Rules Booklet (with Scenario Instructions incorporated)
- Two 8½” x 11” identical WAR BETWEEN THE STATES Charts and Tables Booklets
- One Union back-printed 17½” x 23” Combined (Scenario) Deployment Chart and Cycle/Turn Record Track (with Army and Depot Displays incorporated)
- One Confederate back-printed 17½” x 23” Combined (Scenario) Deployment Chart and Cycle/Turn Record Track (with Army and Depot Displays incorporated)
- One 17” x 22” Union Production Spiral
- One 17” x 22” Confederate Production Spiral
- One small six-sided Die
- Two SPI 12” x 15” x 1” flat 24 compartment plastic Game Boxes (with clear compartment tray covers) and clear plastic Box Covers with Title Sheets
Recommended Reading
See my blog post Book Review of this title which is strongly recommended for those readers interested in further historical background..
Also see my blog post Book Review of this definitive three volume work on the officers of the Army of Northern Virginia by Douglas S. Freeman.
Also, for those interested in battlefield maps, the "museum book" collection of historical Civil War maps by William J. Miller, released in 2004, or the atlas compiled by Stephen Hyslop in 2009 of Civil war battlefields are worth collecting.
Recommended Artwork
This Giclee print of a map of the Battle of Gettysburg is suitable for framing and makes a nice wall decoration for a game room with a Civil War theme.
I have solo played the full war and found it most enjoyable when taken with variants from the many magazines. I have but still not played the DG updated version.
Yes WBTS is a winner for when wantinfg a monster version of the war.
I even have the very flawed(and that's saying it mildly) Brother Against Brother from FGA!
My only quibble with this title was that some of the terrain modeling on the map seemed "off". I wonder about the placement of some of the forested terrain and certain mountain ranges seemed oddly placed when compared with the West Point atlases. In terms of play, though, it was enjoyable and instructive about the challenges of keeping up a strong offensive during the Civil War.
W. B. Wilson
Greetings WB:
Speaking for myself, I didn't find Simonsen's choices when it came to the game map's terrain features to be all that problematic. I know, when it came to own play, that the terrain did not seem to channel play into odd or unlikely directions. And there are certainly worse examples that one could point to when it comes to contemporary game maps. After all, if one cares to look, one will quickly find quite a few other game maps from this same period in which the designer seriously misplaced (or neglected to mark, at all) the courses of important rivers, neglected to show militarily important terrain or, in the infamous example of GDW's 'DNO/UNT', a case wherein the designers even positioned Kiev on the wrong bank of the Dnepr River.
Best Regards, Joe
Joe, LOL re: Kiev. Having done maps for PC wargames, I can readily understand how easy it is to make a mistake -- the amount of detail is enormous.
It also seems to me that WW2 wargames of France tended to discount the forested terrain, of which there is a -lot-, at least in the northern half of the country. I suppose the priority of creating a playable game has to trump absolute accuracy.
W. B. Wilson
Greetings Again WB:
Because, having done some map work of my own in the past, I try to be generous when it comes to the occasional mistakes in terrain that almost inevitably creep into most fairly complex (and detailed) game map designs. One example, however, that I found especially egregious was Simonsen's map for John Prados' S&T magazine game 'CASSINO'. While I am sympathetic to the design problems associated with accurately integrating buildings into the smaller map scale of tactical simulations, in this case, not only was much of the terrain around Monte Cassino wrong, but Redmond even misaligned the map's compass rose by about 90%. And that was a bit much, even for a fan, like me, of Simonsen's graphics work.
Best Regards, Joe
I have a June 2016 update to the DG version of the game. The link is in the CSW thread header.
Greetings Don:
I have seen the many rules improvements that you have made in the DG version on WAR BETWEN THE STATES and, on the whole, I like them.
I should also note that I have been following the WBTS AAR on the boardgamegeek forum and, I confess, it really brings back memories of my own experiences with this great old title.
Best Regards, Joe
I had owned WBTS for many years before I tried to play it. I had played and loved both VG's Civil War and GMT's The U.S. Civil War so I figured I finally ought to play WBTS. I was disappointed by the lack of reaction movement that plays a prominent role in the other 2 games. So I adapted the GMT rules so that they can be used in WBTS. I created a game that is 85% GMT and 15% WBTS. If you are interested contact me at matho@roadrunner.com
I confess that i find your idea for combining elements from the two games interesting. On the other hand, since it was the organizational and production problems posed by WBTS to both sides, I'm not sure that your hybrid version would actually suit my particular ("bean-counter") preference for the original WBTS.
In any case, thanks for visiting and for sharing your thoughts.
Best Regards, Joe