When it first hit game stores in 1977, SQUAD LEADER — John Hill’s game of World War II small unit combat — rocked the wargaming community as no war game had done since PANZERBLITZ seven years before. Admittedly, the introduction of John Prados’ THIRD REICH in 1974 had created a great deal of buzz within the hobby, but that excitement was nothing compared to the enthusiastic attention that John Hill’s new design received when it first burst on the scene. SQUAD LEADER’s ground-breaking design blended elements of board war games with those of miniatures, but then took this innovative small-unit design architecture to a whole new level. Instead of companies, players now controlled infantry squads, individual support weapons and their crews, and individual vehicles. Not surprisingly, it was an immediate hit with a large segment in the wargaming community and its sales soared. The management at Avalon Hill, realizing that they had a veritable "cash-cow" on their hands, moved to capitalize on this wide-spread enthusiasm by publishing a series of SQUAD LEADER GAMETTES over the next few years, starting with CROSS OF IRON. Each of these follow-up GAMETTES added new rules, new vehicles, additional nationalities, and new map boards to the basic SQUAD LEADER package; however, players still needed to own the original game in order to play them. This steady process of periodic new releases continued for several years. Then, in 1985, the boys in Baltimore broke with this successful retail program and, instead of introducing yet another SQUAD LEADER GAMETTE, launched a completely redesigned, and much more detailed version of the SQUAD LEADER Game System, ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER (ASL). The rest, as they say, is history.DESCRIPTION
SQUAD LEADER (2nd Ed.) also offers additional rules for those players who want to experiment further with the game system. There is a subset of “advanced” rules that permit players to design and balance their own scenarios; and there is even a provision for an “extended” SQUAD LEADER campaign that ties multiple scenarios together into one long game
First, I have a confession: I am, it would seem, just not a SQUAD LEADER kind of guy. I don’t know why, but I personally don’t care much for the SQUAD LEADER Game System. Perhaps it is the small-unit aspect of the game, or maybe I prefer a different level of abstraction when it comes to wargames, but whatever the reason, I just can’t get excited about SQUAD LEADER, ground-breaking tactical design or no. And it has always been so.When the game first appeared in 1977 and most of my regular opponents ran out and immediately bought copies of the new title; I didn’t. The more people raved about the game, the more I stubbornly dug my heels in; when my enthusiastic friends unanimously praised John Hill’s latest creation, I adamantly refused to buy a copy of the new gaming sensation for myself. Perhaps even more frustrating to my long-time opponents was the fact that, not only did I not want to own a copy of the game, I didn’t have any interest in playing it either. Of course, this could only go on for so long. In the final analysis, gaming is very much a quid pro quo type of pastime, so after resisting the imprecations of my friends for months, I finally buckled and bought my own copy of what was, by then, the 2nd Edition of the game. Unfortunately, by the time I did, the first of the SQUAD LEADER GAMETTES, CROSS OF IRON, had already been released, so, at the fevered insistence of my friends, I bought that too.
Of course, now that I was stuck for the price of both the game and the GAMETTE, I did what most people would do: I resignedly unwrapped my copy, punched out a number of the counters, and sat down to learn the game system. Three hours later, I had come to two conclusions: first, I had decided that Hill’s tactical combat system was innovative and really quite clever; second, clever or not, I found that my fairly benign lack of interest had turned into an active dislike. I’m not positive, but I think that it was the abstract uniformity of the infantry squads that turned me off the game. Larger units, because of their sheer size and standardized organizations tend to lend themselves fairly easily to abstract quantification. Having personally served in the Army, however, I knew that infantry squads all tended to evidence unique qualities — personalities, if you like — that made each one of them more analogous to an individual athletic team than to some standardized abstract military asset. In the end, the uniformity of the infantry squads and the absolute dependence that the game system placed on differences in leadership just didn’t feel right to me. This is not to say that I didn’t finally play a couple of the short introductory scenarios with a friend (that quid pro quo thing, again), but my heart simply wasn’t in it. Although I am competitive by nature and play wargames to win, in the case of SQUAD LEADER, I just wanted the games to be over with. I genuinely didn’t care who won or lost. For me, that was it; I never opened the game box again until I got ready to sell my old copy on eBay a little while back.
So get to the point of all this, already, you say! The moral of this sorry little tale of mine, I suppose, is that when buying games, each player should go with his own gut instinct. If you think that you’ll like a game, you probably will; if you have your doubts, then chances are that you won’t. The fact that I personally don’t like SQUAD LEADER is really quite unimportant. Other players whose opinions I value like the game a lot. And based on the long-term retail sales figures for the game and its many offspring: if I was to hold a convention of all the gamers who share my distaste for the game, I suspect that we could probably all fit into a phone booth. All this puts me in an awkward spot: although I don’t want to play it myself, I still feel obliged to recommend SQUAD LEADER for those players with an interest in a highly-detailed, tactical game system. My rationale for making this recommendation is simple: it has just been far too popular for far too long not to have a lot going for it. The facts, as they say, speak for themselves.
Even after thirty-one years, SQUAD LEADER is still a perennial favorite among many experienced gamers and a fixture at most of the major wargaming conventions. In that sense, it has, to put it mildly, aged extremely well. Until the arrival of its perpetually-growing, mutant offspring, ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER, no other title had ever had more articles, rules variations, or scenarios printed in the various hobby magazines than had John Hill’s ground-breaking creation. Today, SQUAD LEADER players occupy an interesting place in the hobby: they are typically players who enjoy the richness of the basic SQUAD LEADER Game System, but who, unlike their ASL brethren, draw the line at permitting a single game to become a virtual way of life. Given my own feelings about the game system, I can’t really say that I blame them.
Design Characteristics:
- Time Scale: 2 minutes per game turn
- Map Scale: 40 meters per hex
- Unit Size: squad/individual support weapon/single vehicle
- Unit Types: various types of German, American, and Soviet Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFVs), leader, infantry squad, (Soviet) berserker, light/medium/heavy machine gun, light/medium anti-tank gun, (German) panzerfaust, (American) bazooka, mortar, flame thrower, satchel charge, radio, (American) jeep, truck, halftrack, entrenchment, fortification, barbed wire, mine, road block, and information markers
- Number of Players: two
- Complexity: above average
- Solitaire Suitability: below average
- Average Playing Time: 2-4 + hours (depending on scenario)
Game Components:
- Four 8” x 22” geomorphic hexagonal grid Map Boards
- 520 ½” back-printed cardboard Counters
- 192 ⅝” back-printed cardboard Counters
- One 8” x 11” Rules Booklet (with LOS Chart, Random Selection Chart, Point Selection Chart, and Terrain Effects Chart incorporated)
- Two 8” x 11” back-printed Quick Reference Data Cards
- Six 8” x 11” back-printed Scenario Cards (12 scenarios total)
- Two six-sided Die
- One 5½” x 8½” Avalon Hill Game & Parts Order Form
- One 5½” x 6½” Customer Response Card
- One 8½” x 11½” x 2” bookcase style cardboard Game Box
Is it possible that you send me by mail a copy of the quick reference data cards from the gamette "Cross of Iron" (squad leader expansion).
My e-mail adress is
I live in Belgium (Europe)
Thanks in advance
Best regards,
Greetings Raf:
Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your interest.
So far as the "CROSS OF IRON" Gamette is concerned, I'm afraid that I can't personally help you: I sold my own copy of "COI" on eBay over a year ago.
However, all is not lost: I suggest that you visit (the link is in my sidebar) and visit their "SQUAD LEADER" forums; I am pretty sure that one of the other "SQUAD LEADER" players should be able to help you out.
Good Luck and Best Regards, Joe
Joe, while I am one of those ASL fanatics and was a dedicated SQUAD LEADER player when the game first came out, I thought this was a very insightful review. Your comment about the uniformity of squads is SPOT ON and--interestingly enough--has never been rectified in any of the follow-on squad level games. While man-to-man combat games have focused on unique individual abilities, we've not seen this done for squads and fireteams. I've long lamented that we've got an awful lot of squad-level tactical wargames out there but none have addressed this particular shortfall. One can look at the COMBAT COMMANDER series, the CONFLICT OF HEROES series, the Lock 'N Load "...HEROES..." series, ADVANCED TACTICAL SYSTEM (ATS), and even the print and play VALOR AND VICTORY series--they are more alike than not and don't deal with the comparative human factors across similar type squads in a given nationality. Grist for future designs, that's for sure.
For me, what was so attractive about the system (and of course I'm not alone) is the narrative power and "role-playing game" effects it has. The game feels so realistic, even though it isn't at all. But it fits our comic-book, pulp war book, and Hollywood movie sensibilities quite well. And the players all have many incredible stories of the exciting improbabilities that occur all-too-frequently in the game. Before SQUAD LEADER, I was a TOBRUK addict; after SQUAD LEADER, I could not go back to TOBRUK or get into the Jim Day designs (PANZER, "88," or ARMOR) for the same reasons--the emphasis on hardware just wasn't satisfying enough and I missed the narratives I got when playing SL and ASL.
Greetings Again Eric:
I completely understand your affection for this ground-breaking and enormously successful title. Nonetheless, my own dislike for this game remains as intractable today, as when I first played it many years ago -- a fact that, I'm sure, continues to dismay a number of my wargaming friends (Russ Gifford comes immediately to mind) even now.
Oddly enough, SQUAD LEADER is the exception and not the rule; I actually like quite a few tactical-level games, and some of them even rank amongst my personal list of all-time favorite games (the PANZERBLITZ series and SOLDIERS, for instance), but, for some reason, my comfort-level when it comes to wargaming abstraction does not seem to reach below platoon-level games.
This is probably why, although I didn't care for SQUAD LEADER, I pretty much loathed SPI's SNIPER. In the final analysis, I guess that there is simply no accounting for personal taste.
In any case, thanks, as always, for sharing your thoughts and
Best Regards, Joe
What an awsome blog! I have Squad Leader - gameboards, all counters and box - missing scenario cards, rulebook and ref charts. I loved this game - is there any place I can obtain pdf's of these items. I understand legality of things - just to buy the whole kit seems be a waste with all that i have of the game already. I hope someone can help. Thank you - Tom
Greetings Tom:
Thank you for visiting and for your kind words.
While there are several "used or after-market" sources for out-of-print game components, my suggestion would be to first visit the 'SQUAD LEADER' forums at both and I am pretty sure that someone at one or both of these sites will be able to help you replace your missing game components.
Thanks Again and
Best Regards, Joe
I'm curious if you have played firepower and what your thoughts on that game are if you have played it.
Greetings Doomsfist:
I assume that you're talking about Craig Taylor's design which, if memory serves, was published by Avalon Hill sometime in the mid-eighties.
So far as your specific question is concerned (assuming Taylor's design is the game that you are referring to): the short answer is no. Although I looked at the game briefly, I quickly gave it a pass. In all honesty, I have just never cared much for games on this scale. I did try SNIPER when it first came out, but found that the "individual soldier based design architecture" simply didn't work for me. As I think I indicated somewhere in the above review, games, at the platoon-level or above, seem to be my preference, for some reason.
Best Regards, Joe