On 24 July, 1944 (D + 48) the Allied armies in France, after suffering over 122,000 casualties, had still only managed to gain control of an area that invasion planners had hoped would be in Allied hands by D + 5. All that changed when, on July 25th, the Allies launched “Operation Cobra:” a major offensive that, its architects hoped, would finally break the bloody stalemate on the Normandy Peninsula.The offensive succeeded beyond its planners most optimistic expectations. On that date General Bradley’s American First Army smashed into Waffen SS General Paul Hausser’s Seventh Army which held the western flank of the German front near the town of St. Lo. After a short, sharp fight, American tanks broke through Hausser’s front and drove into the German rear. For the first time in the campaign, the Allies had gained freedom of maneuver; a crisis now confronted the German OKH: with the rupture in the German front rapidly widening, the survival of all of the German armies defending Normandy — Field Marshal Günther von Kluge’s entire Army Group B — now hung in the balance.
OVERLORD is a grand tactical (company/battalion/regiment/brigade) level simulation of the several distinctly different phases of the battle for Normandy.
The game mechanics of OVERLORD are, on the whole, exceedingly simple. Game turns follow the traditional, if uncomplicated sequence: German movement, and then German combat; followed by Allied movement, and then Allied combat. What complexity there is in the design, shows up in the stacking and supply rules. And even these rules are intuitively logical and easy to learn and remember. Despite OVERLORD’s comparative simplicity, however, a number of design features succeed in giving the game a surprisingly pleasant “historical” feel. The game mechanics incorporate rules covering Naval Gunfire, Tactical Air, Carpet Bombing, Weather, Commandos, Armor limitations, and an Armored Cavalry/Recce exploitation advantage. And what is nice about this “rules package,” is that none of the rules have that “tacked on,” last minute feel, that seems to crop up in the rules of so many of the newer titles.
Design Characteristics:
- Time Scale: 3 days per game turn
- Map Scale: 3.5 miles per hex
- Unit Size: company/battalion/regiment/brigade
- Unit Types: armor/panzer, specialized armor, armored cavalry/reconnaissance, lorried infantry/panzer grenadier, infantry, parachute, glider/air landing, Nebelwerfer, bicycle, flak, assault gun, air markers, and information markers
- Number of Players: two
- Complexity: average
- Solitaire Suitability: average
- Average Playing Time: 3-9 hours (depending on scenario)
Game Components:
- One 19” x 25” hexagonal grid Map Board
- 352 5/8” cardboard Counters
- One 8½” x 11” Rules Booklet
- One 8½” x 11” back-printed Combat Results Table and Terrain Effects Chart
- One 8½” x 11” back-printed Axis Scenario Initial Placement Chart
- One 8½” x 11” back-printed Allied Scenario Initial Placement Chart
- One six-sided Dice
- One 10” x 13” x 2” bookcase-style cardboard Game Box (with six card board counter trays)
Recommended Reading
See my blog post Book Reviews of these titles; both of which are strongly recommended for those readers interested in further historical background.
I like this game in the original 1st edition but really fell even more with it on the upgrade by Frank Chadwick.I think it's one of the better games still on the campaign starting after the invasion.Sort of small but still had enough meat to keep a gamer happy.And it was a slugfest trying to make a breakout happen for a good portion of the game.
Greetings Kim:
Yes, of all of the many Normandy games that I have played over the years, this one is probably (or, at least, can be) one of the "wild and wooliest." It is also great fun. However, I fear that it is a little weak in the simulation department: I have won some pretty lop-sided victories as the Germans in this game, particularly when the "Rommel" plan was in play. At the best of times, though, it can be very tough game for the Allies in the early going -- especially is the Allied player's die rolling is not going well.
Best Regards, Joe